HR Serach, Inc. 710 N. Main Street Crown Point, IN 46307

Company Name:
City: State: Zip Code:
Phone Number: Cellphone Number: Email Address:
Position: Years With The Company:
Individual Participating In The Consulting Sessions, If Different Than Individual Identified Above:
Name: Title:
Time Frame: Immediate Within Next 30 Days No Urgency
We customize our Consulting Services around your specific needs. Please outline the topic or topics you wish to address. You will then be contacted by someone for a 30 minute overview to discuss the various Consulting Programs available as well as the cost, based on the answers you have provided.
You will be given an Action Plan after each consulting call and our consultant will also function as your Accountability Partner throughout the duration of the Consulting Sessions.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION about the individual we will be consulting, that you feel will provide us with insight:
Topic One:
Current Reality:
Main Problem:
Topic Two:
Current Reality:
Main Problem:
Topic Three:
Current Reality:
Main Problem:
Topic Four:
Current Reality:
Main Problem:
Any other information you would like to share: